Falconry Based Abatement

Falconry Abatement is a subtle and strategic approach which takes advantage of the natural predator-prey dynamic. Falconry abatement is a hazing strategy of non-lethal engagement.

Falconers shape the natural tendencies and behaviors of the raptors to provide a genuine, non-relenting threat to the target species. The winged guardians do not bluff. Birds naturally maintain a cycle of rest and action.

When not in active pursuit or prospecting, raptors perch with a vantage prepared for explosive action at the opportunity of a potential meal. Thus, a perched abatement raptor remains a visible reminder of the existent threat - a trap that can be sprung at any moment.

Not a guns’ blazing approach but a visible and vigilant show of lethal force for an enduring solution. Falconry abatement is a battle of attrition. A location can expect increased effectiveness year over year as many target birds will never return.

Not all circumstances are suitable for the use of trained falcons and hawks; we also utilize dogs, trapping techniques, and visual and acoustic deterrents as the situation demands. 

See out birds (and dogs) at work for US The Army Corps of Engineers and in the crops we protect.